Ring Relies On NICE? Fascinating: That Makes 8X8 A Target…

I wasn’t aware that Ring’s customer contact solution is actually a sell-through… of what was Mattersight, and became NICE. [BTW, I’ve written about 1,100 posts on the Mattersight/NICE businesses model.]

And thus, over at SeekingAlpha, an analyst posits that 8X8 may be a “bolt on” acquisition target for Ring — as it would free Ring from paying for sub-par NICE software solutions, in the contact space.

Here’s that bit:

EGHT’s bundled offerings (35% of ARR) have continued rapid sales growth – 40% YoY in Q2’FY23 versus 25% growth for entire company. An important aspect is that combined unified communications-contact center software offerings have higher margins, lower churn and higher stickiness. Notably, EGHT is the only industry player offering both unified communications and contact center software that is certified and integrated within MS Teams. Meanwhile, RNG currently does not have its own contact center solution and instead partners with another vendor NICE….

I am not sure I have the bandwidth to do ongoing business reviews here, but anything that ends Ring’s dependence on Mattersight/NICE would be a win for its customers.

And so, we will keep a weather eye on lil’ 8X8 — at least while we warm up here, in the Sonoran desert.

Onward, grinning. Ever, grinning.

The 1,000 mile journey begins… with a first step. This, then is… that. Be excellent to one another.

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